Classified Connection

Employment Opportunities
SALES REP WANTED - Established distributor of fine wood moulding needs independent Rep for Georgia. Prefer established person with other lines that do not conflict with ours. Please call Larry Morris at Engelsen Frame and Moulding Co. 1-800-422-6731. Fax: 1-813-572-4912.

SALES REP POSITION - We are the leading manufacturer of Fine Italian Moulding in North America. We are presently seeking aggressive individuals with experience in the moulding industry. We have territories available in the Southeastern United States. Fax resumes to (770) 381-7228 or contact Jerry at (770) 381-5006.

SALES REPS WANTED - Blue Ridge Moulding & Frame, Inc. of Roanoke, VA, manufacturer/distributor est. 1981 and still growing! Looking for strongly motivated, independent, professional sales persons in several prime territories. Please forward resume and fax to: Steve Marcus, 540-343-6400 or mail to PO Box 4401, Roanoke, VA 24015.

SALES REP WANTED - Full-line distributor of picture frame moulding looking for sales rep in North & South Carolina. Well established customer base available. We prefer experienced rep. Please fax resume in confidence to Southern Moulding at 770-422-8350.
Equipment and Supplies
BUY AND SELL USED EQUIPMENT - Computerized mat cutters, saws, nails, choppers. Broker's Ltd., PO Box 690, Conyers, GA 30207. Phone/Fax: 770-918-1241.

FOR SALE - Masterpiece 500 TX, $1250.00 OBO in S. Florida. 954-572-8750.

FOR SALE - Mitre Mite V-Nailer, VN2+1 - $1,400.00, Vacuum Press, Cold Process, 40x60 - $800, 32x40 - $400, Cash Register, Casio PCR 202 - $40.00. Call Richard 770-645-0694.

CORONA COLD - Vacuum press, 48x96Ó like new, $2500.00 OBO. Sam 504-588-9998.
Businesses for Sale
ALABAMA GULF - Coast. Great beaches and sailing. Fully equipped, well established. 3,000 s.f. custom framing shop in highly desirable, rapidly growing area known for its quality lifestyle. Upscale client base. Owner retiring. $56,000 + Inventory. Good Profits. Call (334) 434-0030.

WILLIAMSBURG, VA. - Established custom frame business with two upscale shops/galleries serving affluent clientele. nets 50K+. Trained staff. (757) 865-2501. Website address: SUNBELT BUSINESS BROKERS.

SUCCESSFUL CUSTOM - frame shop and gallery located in the suburbs of Atlanta Georgia. Very well established since the early 1980's. Owners retiring. Large free standing location (outside dimension 60'x84') over 1000 selected corner samples +105 in stock mouldings, wide selection of framed art - prints and excellent readymade department. All equipment necessary including fixtures. Great potential and income for hardworking operator or family with vision and marketing savvy. Distributorship of 16 years can be part of offering. Back building for growth (outside dimensions 32'x95'). Lots of parking space. Inquiries to PO Box 510, Acworth, GA 30101.

FOR SALE - Total frame shop setup of equipment, materials, art prints and furnishings. Equipment includes Print Mount cold vac press, Fletcher 3000 mat/glass cutter, Fletcher 2100 60" matcutter with angle guide, Fletcher corner lock joiner, C&H oval matcutter, 10" Delta Mitre box saw with Phaedra system, all tools, work benches, samples, inventory & much more. Norris TN, 20 miles N. of Knoxville. Pick up and carry. $8500 OBO. Call Richard 423-463-8380 or 423-494-2001.

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