The Naturalist Art Genre
D. Goad

Story by Norton Pritchett

Dan Goad is a California raised, avid sportsman and professional artist who has lived on a small island off the coast of Georgia since 1981. Self-taught and very well traveled, he is always pursuing the study of wildlife in its natural habitat and the art of its expression. His love of nature became more intense as his love for surfing grew. During the mid-seventies, he spent what is referred to as "an endless summer - searching for the perfect wave." His pursuit was much more serious than the typical California surfer's, taking him to 3 oceans. His travels took Dan to the lush, tropical island of Bali, Indonesia. For four years, Dan and two other surfers lived with a tribal chieftan. In keeping with the island's religious traditions, the trio was expected to make regular offerings at a cliff four miles away. The distance wasn't a problem but the cliff could only be reached through a sea cave fully stocked with poisonous sea snakes. The whole island was filled with immense beauty and danger that included saltwater crocodiles, cobras, sharks and monitor lizards large enough to eat a deer. It was the time spent in Bali that propelled Dan Goad to pursue the naturalist art genre.

Eventually Dan tired of eating whatever he plucked from the sea and returned to California. Back in the states, Dan waited on tables and dabbled in watercolors until an art publisher, who printed and marketed posters, came to meet him. Dan's first poster sold out in 2 weeks and Dan made a full-time commitment to his art. His intensity and passion for his work continues to this day. "I'm very fortunate in that I do exactly what I want to do for a living. That provides a lot of satisfaction."

Although his work includes a whole range of natural and aquatic creatures, Dan's years on Bali helped him to believe the bird to be "nature's most eloquent expression." It is through the marsh bird that Dan gained international recognition. His work with osprey, pelicans, heron, egrets, ibis and others, keep his work in demand in all 50 states and internationally as well. He, along with Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol, was commissioned by President and Nancy Reagan to add to the White House art collection at the Smithsonian. His work is also featured in many private and corporate collections throughout the world, has appeared on the covers of local, national, and international publications, and has been used in theatrical sets on television. To add to his credits, Goad's work has been the recipient of the 1990 International Silk Screen Association Award.

When he's not exploring the natural wonders and marshland of his coastal Georgia home, Dan travels throughout the country selling his original watercolors, acrylics and self-published prints. Even with his "lucid mobility," he continues to set industry standards in printmaking and color formulation.

Dan Goad is a rare mix of talent, skill and dedication who creates harmonious pallets in acrylic and watercolor designed deliberately to facilitate a naturalists perspective.

For more information on Dan Goad's work, write to PO Box 20423, St. Simons Island, GA 31522 or call 912-638-6048.

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